Straight Fertilizers

Straight fertilizers impact soil fertility by providing a single major nutrient in the soil as part of the overall soil improvement strategy. These major nutrients (also known as macro-nutrients) consist of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium. The chemical composition of the fertilizer is denoted as a percentage of the total nitrogen available per unit volume.

MEA stocks a wide range of straight fertlizers sold directly in conveniently-packaged quantities, or as part of bulk and custom-made blends

Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (C.A.N, 26% N)
This is a popular straight nitrogen fertilizer and an excellent source of nitrogen, which is readily available to plants due to its excellent solubility. Works well for all types of crops for pre-planting or as atop dressing application. Especially recommended for early application in cereals. Suitable for straight application and blending.

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Sulphate of Ammonia (S/A, 21% N)
Sulphate of ammonia is commonly used as a source of nitrogen and sulphur. It has good storage and handling qualities, and can be readily blended with other fertilizers. Provides excellent value where sulphur is considered necessary
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Triple Superphosphate (TSP, 46% P2O5)

TSP is used in blending for the formulation of high analysis grade fertilizers. Can also applied directly to the soil as a single nutrient material. It’s excellent solubity ensures good plant uptake providing a good source of phosphorus to plant.

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Triple Superphosphate (TSP, 46% P2O5)

TSP is used in blending for the formulation of high analysis grade fertilizers. Can also applied directly to the soil as a single nutrient material. It’s excellent solubity ensures good plant uptake providing a good source of phosphorus to plant.

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Sulphate of Potash (50% K2O)

Sulphate of potash is a fast-acting plant food and a rich source of potassium for encouraging flowering and fruiting in all plants, as well as promoting disease resistance. Highly recommended for vegetables, bulbs and crop-bearing trees.

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Urea (46% N)

Urea contains an abundance of Nitrogen, which favours plant and stem growth in all plants. It can be applied to soil as a solid or solution or to certain crops as a foliar spray.

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