Custom Fertilizer Blends
Our bulk blending and processing facility is designed to rapidly produce and package over 1200 metric tonnes daily of special fertilizers synthesised according to farmer’s requirements from regular straight and compound fertilizers. Custom fertilizer blends are useful in the process of soil ammendment – the application of specific chemical elements t the soil in measured quantities and intervals so as to raise it’s nutritional potential to optimal levels. Soil ammendment alongside soil testing, water testing and tissue testing is one of four pillars of a sound soil fertility management programme.

Creation of special fertilizer blends for soil ammendment requires great accuracy on the part of the constituent materials that form the blend. At MEA, we use only the highest quality straight and complex fertilizers certified by our in-house testing facility. Our blends have the added advantage of allowing a very wide range of fertilizer grades, thus making it possible to match the exact requirements of a soil test recommendation

A good quality fertilizer blend must be formulated so as to avoid the challenges of particle segregation. Segregation occurs when particles of each individual fertilizer type in the blend remain seperate, making it impossible to apply the constituent nutrients to the soil in an even and uniform fashion. To maximise the potential benefits of our blended fertilizer on the crops to which it is applied, the MEA blending process involves mechanised mixing and granulation to ensure that each individual particle of the fertilizer blend contains all the nutrients present in the constituent fertilizers
Granulation has the added advantage of increasing wettability, flowability and dispersability of the blend as well as giving it a distinct appearance

Our production line enables us package different fertlizer blends in a variety of batches that are weighed according to client’s request, for optimal convenience during transport, storage and handling. This involved packing in bags of 15, 25 or 50 kilograms, which can be further palletized into evenly-sized bundles for easier bulk handling.